For the moment, it seems like the bad guys are winning. If you look closely, the folks pushing abortion, religious constraint,…
Is the Christian faith a revealed religion, established by God and therefore unchanging or is it a human construct developed out…
Many Thanksgivings ago, I received a gift. However, it took the guiding grace of God for me to understand it––years later––in…
In my last post, I was tough on the President––I hope I was fair. From my perspective, nothing good can come…
It only took one press conference to rouse me. I wrote about the subject of arrogance and Presidents prior to the…
Satan, I gotta hand it to ya. You’re brilliant. Ultimately a loser, but still. Evil and its demoralizing impact on our world…
The military has played a significant role in my development as a man. My father and brother were decorated Marine aviators,…
Friendship between men, women, single, attached, married, neighbors, coworkers and a whole slew of other social arrangements––human dynamic as multidimensional as…
When God intervenes in history, I like the fact that He doesn’t attach warning labels or cordon off the area or…
“The best is yet to come.” Mr. President, I’m in complete agreement. Unfortunately, it won’t be under your leadership. On the…